The Haultain River Project

The Corporation’s Haultain Project consists of claims totalling 14,175 hectares in North Central Saskatchewan, Canada.

It is located 75 km North of the Village of Pine House and is accessible via all weather road. 

We have identified two fault intersections which have significant potential as uranium deposition locations.


Flake Graphite:

Test Work From 2019 and 2021 Field Exploration Has Confirmed:  

  • High purity flake graphite reducing processing costs.

  • Recovery of Large Flake ( Jumbo Flake >0.5 mm) and larger flake sizes exceeding 1 mm.

  • 74% of the recovered flake exceeded 80 mesh in 2 outcrops sampled to date.

  • Lower processing costs because the host rock is not acid generating.

  • Samples in 2019 had a carbon content of 2.41 % Ct. Samples in 2021 tested 2.18% Cg and in 1992 tested 8.05% Cg..

  • There is potential for a Resource with a much higher average carbon content. We have identified and staked locations where geophysics tells us to explore.


If you are interested in graphite and uranium investing,

Invest now and build the future!

Haultain River Project Location

The Haultain River Project Claims originally staked in 2019

The Haultain River Project claims added in 2023 and shown as hatched.

 What is Graphite?


Graphite is one of the two most stable forms of carbon; diamond is the other. It occurs as both massive (amorphous), flake and vein form.  Natural Flake Graphite is the much more valuable than amorphous and the value increases with flake size and purity.  Vein graphite has needle like form and is mined only in Sri Lanka by expensive underground methods.  It has its own niche market for specialty applications.

Simply stating the carbon content does not express the grade for graphite.  Any expression of grade needs to also include flake size distribution and purity in order to understand the value of the resource.  The majority (69.9 %) of the flakes recovered in 2019 from Haultain River exceed 80 Mesh and were of high purity, easily producing a saleable product exceeding 95 % carbon.

China is currently the largest producer of graphite, but they cannot supply the larger flake exceeding 65 mesh and there is an increased focus on finding North American sources for this strategic material especially since Tesla has adopted a policy of buying from North American sources for their battery production facilities.

The following are excerpts are from the report “Prospects for Natural Flake Graphite Markets” by Fastmarkets (formerly “Metal Bulletin Group”) November 2018.

“China will continue to control the majority of the processing and production.

However, Chinese mines reportedly lack significant large and jumbo flake graphite,

therefore creating a market opportunity for any new large flake size producers.”

Graphite taken from Haultain River Project claims

Graphite taken from Haultain River Project claims

GEMCO Will be a Large Flake Size Producer!

If you are interested in graphite investing,

Invest now and build the future!

 Haultain River Project History:


Graphite outcrop sampling, August 2019

Picture of graphite zone showing a 6 mm graphite flake.

  • Historical (1968) airborne EM surveys identified conductive units.

  • Drilling (1969-70) verified Graphite as the source of the EM conductors.

  • Regional geological mapping (1972 to 1977) identified geological units for flake graphite deposits.

  • Prospecting and sampling in 1992 by Mr. Franklin proved the existence of significant graphitic carbon grades (8.05 % Cg).

  • Mr. Franklin staked the claims in 2018 and 2019 to cover the probable extent of the outcrops based on geophysics.

  • GEMCO was established in 2019 and the claims were transferred to the Corporation.